“Herbs can be used as single remedies in much the same way that homeopathic remedies are. Each herb has a unique combination of actions and properties, and when a person’s overall symptom picture very closely matches that of a single herb, very powerful effects can be created using single remedies.
Using herbs in this manner requires a great deal of knowledge and skill, however. Most herbalists give their clients more than one remedy, which means they are creating a custom formula for the client. So herbs are more often used in combinations than they are as singles.
Most herb books focus primarily on single herbs, but ironically, it’s harder for a beginner to see results with single herbs than it is with well-crafted herbal formulas. It can be likened to the difference between using a rifle and a shotgun to hit a target. Using single herbs is like using a rifle. It has a lot of power, but you have to know how to aim it properly to hit the target.
A formula, on the other hand, is like a shotgun. You may not hit the target with as much concentrated force, but your aim doesn’t have to be as good.”
— The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide by Thomas Easley, Steven Horne
An interesting take on herbal formulas, I couldn't put it better myself.
I’ve found within my own walks (this is me stepping up to the bar at your moot)
I only use singles . Individually. There are a few that I have now blended over time . And the way I blend I’m sure is the crazy guys way or whatever but it works for me . I started with yarrow . And used it for literally everything and taking lots of in seat notes . I was so impressed with the versatility of yarrow . From my chickens to my children she’s my cure all for many things from cuts , scrapes, burns, insect bites , swollen muscles , inflammation of joints, hemorrhoids even . It’s instant . And on most skin conditions it’s all under control within an application or two . My kids swear by it . I know yarrows got a lot more going on but bear with me .
I got introduced to purple dead nettle . Kind of forced on me . But I did the same thing - had an issue let’s see what PDN can do. Come to find out a lot of the same things Yarrow was doing an awesome job on , PDN was also meeting the bill in several departments . So in those departments I began to blend them together . With an equal partnership in the project so a 50/50 blend .
One of my chickens had an eye infection I could not get rid of . Tried many things . But the blend got rid of it with one application and less than 7 days . A chicken , Big Bertha now sees . She was blind in that eye for over a year!
So for me when I see things for sale and I peek at the ingredients I’m majorly turned off when I see mixes . Unless one of those ingredients is a friend . Like basil . I have a mundane beard oil I love simply because basil is there .
I admit it does take time and would be lifetimes to know all the plants . But we really do only need to know one good one . The others will follow and before you know it - it takes some thinking to count all your various plant Allie’s . But I’ve also found working in this manner really helped me . In many areas . I began to see whatever plant I was working with everywhere and from afar . This expanded my access with yarrow . I have successfully used yarrow 100 percent astrally to remove the fever from three small children two states away using a bathtub spell. So a lot of times we just need the access . The relationship . Working from upstairs down .
My cannabis pain relief also just recently blended with yarrow . They are familiar with each other and the department of pain relief , and inflammation reduction they are both very good there . Cannabis more so on the pain , and the client I’m making this for has intense back pains and refuses the surgery required to put “bars across his back “ . So the blend here is heavier on the cannabis side with more of a 125ml/25 ml yarrow. A first introduction together and I wanted it this small for a reason . Just because I feel strongly about it - these are two POWERFUL Allie’s coming together In a single project . The clients first medicines was pure cannabis extract cut with beeswax . So featuring cannabis alone . And I was surprised to see that cannabis alone gives my guy : on pills: pain 9/10. On pain relief (5/10) so we see progress . But she needs help . The pain relief was very small cannabis physically in it . This was cauldron work . I wanted to see what SHE COULD DO. Now that I see indeed she can do things in the departments we are looking for . We have upped the dosage by alot . My first run was 4g bubble hash /150 ml oil +beeswax to thicken into a salve . This new approach I’m on is straight oil. For easier application . My maths are at 175ml /7000 mg which puts me at 40 mg/ml. I’m excited to see how it works . Apparently I just wanted to prant about plants this morning .