The Virtues of Venus
Prompt: You have to choose one planetary source of energy to use for all your magical needs for the rest of your life. Which planet do you choose and how do you adapt its power to ALL of your magical needs?
For me, the natural answer to this question would be Mercury. However, as someone with a lot of natural Mercurial talent, I'm not sure sticking to Mercury would be a net benefit. As our dear mentor so eloquently demonstrated, there is virtue in balance, and I tend to agree. Emphasizing my natural talents with Mercury would be like gilding the lily and would probably leave me vulnerable in other realms.
Two obvious compliments to a naturally Mercurial spirit would be Venus and Terra. While I think Terra offers a lot of potential to barter for my magical needs, I find the prospect of Venusian diplomacy extremely attractive (pun intended). A question I might ask is whether this dedication is as limiting as it first appears.
Some models of the Tree of Life put another Tree inside each sphere. In other words, there will be versions of all the planets within the Venereal realm. So, while traditionally I might use Jupiter to acquire money, I might leverage Venusian Jupiter to acquire money through seductive magics.
I could also look to the Zodiac. Under the Zodiacal model, we see each planet moving through different phases or modes of expression. So, where I might employ Mars to inflict a curse on an enemy, I could instead call upon Venus in Aries where she is in Exile to overwhelm my enemy with mindless passion.
I think the point of a tree within a sphere is a good point.
It’s also useful saying that something is Venusian Mercurian et al or ect suppose depends on how you see that. 😉
So for example I know something that is reportedly Venusian and is probably the most disgusting grotesque to look at and sense energy I have ever had the unfortunate experience of.
Meanwhile I know a mercurial embodiment who has ears like the FA cup a nose like a ski ramp and I find it’s mind to be positively one of the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Although it’s not as intelligent as I would expect from mercury. However we are talking reportedly mercurial not that it is.
On both counts I exaggerate.
Either - Neither of the above things are what my phone thinks they are. I’m referring to a female on both counts.
There are men who think/feel I’m a very sexual energy, but when asked my sexuality is can’t tell me what it is. You could speak to my ex’s (the ones still alive, several I killed off ) and I don’t suppose they could tell you either.