Little Delphi has a message.
So Witchcraft Live is lucky to have two ‘beautiful’ funny heroic mentors. Really? Yes, they are warriors. They give up their time and I love them both for it.
Now I don't know about the rest of you
but I have had Liam and Chris burst onto my screen unannounced to save me from magical mischief. I was half dead lying in bed and their they were giving magical resuscitation because of my misadventure.
Yesterday Liam tucked an over-tired wailing. Little Delphi up in her bitch basket at 3 pm and told her to sleep. That is some strong magic. Little Delphi Slept so I guess I owe Liam.
They are being the my true heroes but everyone has their biases.
I know that many of you are asked to create content and nothing. What are you scared of that others will belittle you, or worse that you could be assisted by stubborn witches?
Edit - one witch who I think it's a pretty good witch in regards to knowledge has told me she thinks her posts are daft. I don't think they are.
If you are worried that people will think you are your stupid we have had really basic questions about energy and power difference.
Let's talk about that... Contracts. You take the boy's knowledge humour vibrant personalities and you pay a small amount of money and your leave the page with nothing. A void on the WWW. That's really mean spirited or maybe Liam is right and no one does anything.
Now the boys will say it's our community that they created for us. Not their job to stimulate that community with posts.
You may notice this Little Witch and Will G post a lot. We also do this in the contract that you'll create content. 😉 We aren't posting much because we want to hear more from you. Yes Will and I discuss this lots.
By talking about what you're doing and the triumphs and failures we all learn. I tell you far more about my failures than my wins, I do succeed a lot but my failures are where I win big, when I used overpower something I've learned a capacitor can be more effective than a battery 🥲
I am particularly frustrated to hear that the personal/real life friends’ (word used too freely)of Liam and Chris. If you were friends then you would create content. You'd want Thoth Witchcraft to thrive.
There a few people is love to hear from but when I enquire I am told that they are just socialising witches. I think that's a shame particularly to hear they are just reading Wiccan books. Particularly when I actual like that witch and I know she's got power.
Chris has said he likes it when someone posts a photo of where they went on a walk, or a random tarot reading for us all to squint at. It's been mentioned in several pod casts
Come tell us your experiences that time you climbed the ladder to Pluto and slid down the snake. Or the time you mistakenly cast a Saturnian shield around your Sun. Or the time you asked Thoth a question directly rather than L&C. Or show us your Altars to Thoth Witchcraft. Just me?
All joking aside please give WCL some attention. Respond to your WCL peers with something other than an emoji.
Please give back to the community before there isn't one.
For anyone who is wondering how much I'm doing the sun is out in Wiltshire and I'm using it as a healing exercise but one has to be aware the sun can hex as well as heal.
For anyone with any interest I have a blog which is for mundane there is no huge ground breaking magical realisations. It's really just so the previous owners of my dog see he's being looked after. Fagan and the Witch.
I recently discovered Fagan is a Witches dog, Liam said words have power if you keep saying it then it will realise. So Fagan senses bad energy and he lets the world know if he doesn't like someone or energy in general.
My brownie is currently off his head. We have new neighbours and she has gnomes statues and flamingos and Brownie seems to absolutely hate them so he's making a huge fuss.
Do you know the main reason I don’t post much?…imposter syndrome.
I feel like I don’t belong with you proper witches because I’m just a ‘basic witch’ . It’d never enter my head to cast a Saturnian ring around the sun or climb a ladder to Pluto!!
When I see what you proper witches have been doing it makes me feel like a nursery school kid chucked into a uni seminar.
So, I know I should post for C&L and show they’re appreciated and show that I’m actually doing some work but the reason I don’t is because I’m too embarrassed.