As prone as I am to rolling my eyes really, really hard when I hear anything about Ye Olde Wayes, I can see the appeal. It's perceived as a safe place to start: safe in the sense that there is some of the old ways we can verify (even though we here know there's even more from ages past that can't). Also it's very easy to romanticize the past. But more importantly, a serious witch can see what and who worked best and how a practice can be modified for modernity.
But what about future magic? Future deities? Take one of my favorites and yours, the Mesopotamians. Chris and Liam talk about the in The Whores of Babylon podcast, and talk about how it may be when they fully come back. We are still dealing with how their religion was structured in our current religious paradigms, but as the guys say what we are getting is Daddy's answer phone or the scent of his aftershave. C and L also say that this change may mean the end of consciousness the magic of the adepts being yanked out from under them because those rules won't mean anything anymore. This sounds catastrophic but isn't necessarily a bad thing.
When I picture the Mesos, I see them in a very futuristic sense, as far as I'm currently able. I see them in the science fiction/fantasy/reality-bending films that I like. And I like the films particularly because of the visual element--when I think of the Mesos of the future it's an intensely, visual, visceral sense. One in which the intellectual, as we've come to know it through the astrological ages, is not as present. Not to say it's not important, I mean in the sense like we have it today. We are coming into the age of Aquarius, which uses intellect to a definite end and use, unlike the age of Pisces, in which philosophy and endeavors of the mind were their own reward. Aquarius demands action.
So what the hell an I talking about? I'm talking about trying to draw on the future, rather than just the past or present. I'm not talking about solar work in the individual sense...but about attempting to draw on the energies to come, that are already present in the quantum sense. The future deities, the future magic. How would you do it, if you wanted to? And why would you want to?
I want to because I'm an uppity impatient bitch and I'm very, very curious.
This is veering dangerously into the Armchair Occultiat area, I know, so of course I need to come up with a plan.
Oh, and my evil egregore? I think I blew it and will have to start again. So there's my practice in the present needing attention.