Originally published in the 'No Holds Barred Witchcraft' FB Group on 18th Feb 2021
After browsing through a number of online witchcraft shops and even visiting a number of what passes for metaphysical or occult stores around the UK. I have come to the conclusion that a certain thing needs addressing within the witchcraft supply industry.
Many witches I know don’t use products of the ‘open a tin and pour it in’ variety, that's to say magical products which have been created and magically charged by other witches (oils, powders and the like which you see for sale online and in shops) for the simple reason that they don’t need to pay a premium or something they can make themselves at home (and often do a better job of compared to these shop blends.)
Much of what you see for sale online tends to be targeted at what I like to call ‘mundanes seeking magic’, that is to say everyday people with no knowledge or ability when it comes to magical practice, who want to give it a go to fix a problem. The best marketing examples I've seen or atleast the most creative titles for products tend to come out of modern Hoodoo in the U.S.
I have seen many people selling simple to use potions and powders with labels such as ‘Domination Powder’ or ‘Boss Fix Oil’ and I have to say I love these names. They make it very easy to understand what you are supposed to use it for and what effect it might have.
The problem I have is that the books or formularies which are released, (often by the same people or companies which make the products) don’t really teach you how to make them. I have found much information lacking when it comes to the research done on the formulation process. No I don’t mean they got the history wrong or anything like that, because truth be told most people who want to take a class or buy a formulary book don’t care about that, they only want to know how to make a potent magical product actually work.
When we teach classes in person at events, we take people through the entire process of exactly why we select the ingredients in our spells and such. We explain the process and don’t just give cookery book ingredients lists. I hate it when people do this as it creates a glass ceiling in regards to potency. People can’t progress any further as they still don’t understand the mysteries of the formulation and manufacturing process.
There is so much which goes into the creation of powerful powders, oils and the like, it’s not just about charging it with your intent or adding a little bit of planetary magic by making it on a certain hour of a certain day. Other things such as contracts are also used, but rarely discussed.
Now, I have some sympathy with practitioners having run my own witchcraft shop and ethical quandaries I've had when deciding how potent or powerful a magical potion I want a mundane person to be able to just go and buy. After all, I don’t want to sell destruction oil to some idiot which is capable of destroying this cozy little universe we all live in, do I? lol.
Getting to the point now lol! The most powerful magical powder we’re yet to sell to the public is called ‘Hells Fury Hexing Powder’ and it’s designed to really fuck things up lol. The problem we had with coming up with the formula is that we needed something which worked and added a kick, but that could be used by more advanced magical practitioners. We don’t care much for ethics in our company ‘Thoth’ and never tell people what is or isn’t morally right, but we don’t just give bombs to inexperienced idiots. Nothing in the powder is particularly nasty, but magical potions and powders don’t just draw their power from the ingredients themselves or even the person using them.

The way we formulate things is to start off creating the sort of magical product you would get from most metaphysical suppliers. It will have an energy within it that isn’t charged by us but that is able to be tapped into by any old idiot (even if they just spill it on the floor lol) and then we create a secret level.
What this secret level is, is a contract with spirits and energies which agree to perform a certain service or add a certain amount of power to the magical working of the person buying and using the product. The cool thing is that the average newbie witch will not be aware of this and won’t know how to tap into this or these contractual mechanisms and so can only use the product in ‘safe mode’ lol. It will still get results for them but it won't be universe shattering lol.
What actual experienced magical practitioners can do with some of these products is something altogether more exciting lol.
There are many ways in which we go about forming these contracts, but unlike your beginner witch we tend not to flip through books or facebook memes until we see a spirit which we seem to like. Instead what we do is put the astral word out to spirits and see who/what would want to be involved in the work. We don’t always accept their offer and of course we give it some thought and make sure we create a very specific contract (which is witnessed by something capable of enforcing that contract lol).
Once this contract is agreed and signed we will bind it to an ingredient and then add this ingredient into the mix of the powder or oil of whatever it is. The contract is only enforceable and triggered when that ingredient is used in a product and when the person using it fits certain criteria.
What that criteria is of course varies, but a number of students and clients like to make it a little side project of theirs to work out and list the contracts and ‘mods’ which can be activated lol. Another thing we always do is to give the formulary to everyone who buys the products, so when you buy an oil you know exactly what is in it.
Many witchcraft shops keep their formulas secret and usually you’ll find it’s because all they are at the end of the day is herbal mixes and tinctures. They need to keep these recipes secret as all they have is the physical ingredients and nothing else lol.
So how do you make your oils, powders and things, do you just copy a book and charge it with your intent? Or do you actually do magic lol?
I should also note I never ever charge a product with my own energy. I always use something external because if I charge it with my own energy then I am part of the work and some peoples works I just don’t want to be part of lol.
I'm partial to teas and infusions. I enjoy cooking and baking, and herbal infusions are easy to throw into a meal, boil down to a syrup, or spin into a cocktail. I learned the hard way to limit the ways I contribute my own energies to the preparation. Like cooking, I see my role as the maestro there to bring the best attributes and qualities out of the ingredients involved. I'm always skeptical of shops that only sell things with "not for internal use" labels.
I’m not doing it as you describe as I cannot access the astral. But I would love nothing more that to learn how to improve