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Writer's picturePsychic Villain

Duck, Duck, Demon!


Originally published in the 'No Holds Barred Witchcraft' FB group on 30th Jun 2021.

We’ve probably all heard that little song/game, Duck, Duck Goose where we point out the odd one out and dealing with the magical community (atleast online) can make you feel alot like that. I tend to see a lot of well meaning hippies who talk of casting spells and changing the world into a utopian wonderland with no bad apples, muscle cars or Trump supporters lol. The problem I tend to see is that most of these would be witches and magical practitioners are completely inept and I don’t think they could “magic their way out of a paper bag” as someone I know tends to put it lol.

The online magical community is full of fantasists who play at being witches, because it makes them feel powerful and special. I have talked with a couple of clients of mine who happen to be clinical psychologists / counselors and they have pointed out that, people who are hard done by, put upon, and are perhaps … errm … I think they call them ‘incels’, and tend to be drawn to fantasy play.

Back in the day a lot of those kinds of people (although not exclusively) were drawn to dress up (LARP) and being a Dungeons & Dragons ‘Dungeon Master’ these days i’m seeing more and more of them in the magical themed Facebook Groups fulfilling the oh so important role of ‘Theoretical magician’ (although I prefer the term ‘Armchair magician’) these are the people who read lots of books but never ever practice and yet lecture others on the correct way to go about a magical operation.

This may all seem a bit nasty and you may be thinking I'm a troll (you’d be right about that lol) and what's the point of bringing this up? Oh and what the hell has it todo with all the political shit in the opening paragraph you must be a *____.

*If your politically left wing then insert ‘Right Wing Nut Job’ or if your politically right wing then insert ‘Lefty Snowflake’

There are two points I'm trying to get at, although they are technically two different points there is a common theme.

So let's start again and try to get to the point. I see a lot of idiots pretending to be witches because it makes them feel special, I see a lot of these people giving shitty advice and forcing their political views on others in the forms of Redes, Magical Universal Laws which aren't universal laws at all #Karma lol and of course constantly posting stupid spells and memes apparently designed to help make the world a better place #LetsHealTheEarth with an overpriced soy wax candle which has contributed to deforestation, (oh and while we're at it make sure you tie a plastic ribbon to a tree because the local land spirits really need you to do that lol.)

In regards to politics I couldn’t care less about it, I think career politicians either go into it for more power and will tell whatever lies it take to get votes or on the odd occasion someone who really wants to make a good difference gets into office then the whole corrupt system ends up changing them and they end up being just as bad as the people there trying to stop lol.

So what’s this got to do with magic then? Well first stop trying to change a system using crap magic when you can’t even begin to understand the Geopolitical system, and second stop doing spells you don’t bloody understand the mechanics of.

During my time on social media there have been occasions where I've tried to help give a different perspective to people when they are others for advice on magical ways to tackle a situation but I tend not to find all that many people who really want what they are asking for.

Some of the people out there, say working on the biggest most advanced types of spell, really aren’t ever going to cast them because they're not actually interested in learning, practicing or using magic.

Ultimately I don’t really care what magic someone is trying to do as I'm kind of like a Mad Scientist in the magical world. I care more about the approach and way of tackling the situation than the ethics involved.

That’s right I'm officially coming out as a ‘Bad Witch’ lol.

I’m now referring to myself as a Bad Witch for a couple of reasons lol:

  1. Who wants to be associated with the types who actually go around calling themselves ‘Good Witches’ (shout out to the official #GoodWitchOfBristol lol).

  2. I understand this little playground we live in and that ultimately creating a Utopian society wouldn’t really do all that much and it’s rude to interfere with people's paths (What a shame it is to rob someone of a negative experience) also in my experience when you create happy happy universes then negative ones crop up to balance that #MysteriesOfReincarnation lol.

  3. I’m not a fan of Crystals (need I say anymore lol.)

The best thing about being a Bad Witch is that when I think long and hard about something and take a slightly unusual approach to something #PoeticJustice then get called out for being Evil, Bad, Nasty then instead of wasting time trying to explain myself only for it to fall on deaf ears (most likely because I just explained some advanced magic the person has never even heard of lol) then I can instead just say yes I am Evil because I’m a Bad Witch lol.

I so think I have what it takes to be one of those Gurus. After all, I've written a massive speech without even really saying anything and yet you're still reading lol.

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