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Writer's picturePsychic Villain

Might as well admit it you're ADDICTED to BOOKS

This was more of a public service announcement that was taken from the 'No Holds Barred Witchcraft' FB Group.

Don’t you just hate it when someone starts a genuine thread about an obscure or interesting subject, asks for input and all the person gets back is crappy book suggestions lol.

I’ve been in one too many facebook groups who have a witchcraft theme, but no actual witchcraft or magic gets discussed (I say that because although they say there groups dedicated to witchcraft all they contain are crappy memes and selfies).

Some people like to answer the questions posted with shitty book suggestions that show up on the first page of google. I can understand when people are actually asking for book suggestions, but when it comes down to posts people put some actual effort into posting and maybe even share a bit of their own practice, then atleast put something interesting or just move on, don’t suggest a fucking Wiccan book when someones asking about GrecoRoman Necromantic Rites lol.

We as a community of modern day practitioners of magic, and I use this term practitioners loosely as many out there on the internet don’t actually practice so it seems (check out the Feisty WItches FB group if you want to see an example of this lol). We simply have to collect more and more books.

We at ‘Thoth’ have a saying Do more than you read which isn’t the best English in the world, but come on this is one of my sayings lol, so what do expect. All it means is that if it takes 10 hours to read a book then you need to spend at least 11 hours practicing and doing the magical operations it explains how to do in said book.

Don’t get me wrong there are many people within this group who post really interesting things and share a great depth of knowledge (even if it goes over the heads of some) but there are those few who just like to post generic crap lol. I’m not trying to upset you but if I could make a suggestion:

The next time someone asks for your input, then why not give them YOUR INPUT and not the

input of some random book you just read (or actually probably just skimmed) lol.

So stop with all this SPELL BOOK collecting and do some magic!

And yes I've had a bad day! LOL

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Cosmic Catastrophe
Apr 06, 2023



Unknown member
Apr 06, 2023

Liam is already wondering how I intend to in his words ‘shit all over his work’

Buckle up FBBW, I love you but I'm taking you on a wee ride to a different perspective.

Take Cunningham's encyclopedia of magical herbs rather than Culpepper.

How many people look at that to see? As a witch, you should be turned on to all your other senses when you read. You can mundanely read or you can witch read.

Witch reading is when you are tuned into your own knowing.


Reading is magical practice, so 10 hours can be magical practice if you are tuned in. Cunningham tells you the answers but doesn't explain how or why. It's not an adroit work,…

Cosmic Catastrophe
Apr 06, 2023
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I do this with film, mostly science fiction and cyberpunk.


Cosmic Catastrophe
Feb 15, 2023

When you say “within this group” do you mean WL or are you talking about Feisty Witches on FB?

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At the top it says the group which this post was originally taken from. This was archived here just in case something happens to the FB groups and the post is lost. I’ve taken a few of the posts from our FB groups to add to the Witchery Blog Archive

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